Lung Cancer, Most of the lung cancer derived from cells in the lungs; but lung cancer can also come from other parts of the body in the cancer that spread to the lungs.
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Lung Cancer, pulmonary and respiratory tract Diseases |
Lung cancer is the cancer most often occurs, in both men and women.
Types of lung cancer
# More than 90% of lung cancer starts from bronki (large air duct that goes to the lungs), this cancer called carcinoma bronkogenik, consisting of: squamous cell carcinoma
# Small cell carcinoma or oat cell carcinoma
# Large # cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma.
Alveolar cell carcinoma derived from air pockets (alveoli) in the lungs. This may be a cancer growth, but are often attacked in more than one area in the lungs.
Lung tumors that are more rare is:
# Adenoma (benign or malignant can)
# Kondromatous Hamartoma (benign)
# Sarcoma (malignant)
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system, which can be derived from the lungs or other organs of dissemination.
Many cancers that come from other places to spread to the lungs. This cancer usually comes from breast, colon, prostate, kidney, thyroid, stomach, cervix, rectum, fruit of the phallus, bones and skin.
The CAUSE of the Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoking is the main cause of about 90% of lung cancer cases in men and about 70% in women.
The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk to suffer from lung cancer.
Only a small fraction of lung cancer (about 10%-15% in males and 5% in women) caused by a substance found or inhaled in the place of work.
Working with asbestos, arsenic, radiation, chromate, nickel, is the ether gas, mustard and a steady stream of charcoal oven can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.
The role of uadara pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear.
Some cases occurred because of exposure by radon gas in households.
Sometimes lung cancer (especially alveolar cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma) occur in people whose lungs have had scarring due to lung disease, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.
Large Cell Carcinoma Small Cell Carcinoma
Cigarette smoking is the main cause of about 90% of lung cancer cases in men and about 70% of cases in women. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk to suffer from lung cancer.
Only a small fraction of lung cancer (about 10%-15% in males and 5% in women) caused by a substance found or inhaled in the place of work. Working with asbestos, arsenic, radiation, chromate, nickel, is the ether gas, mustard and a steady stream of charcoal oven can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.
The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear.
Some cases occurred because of exposure by radon gas in households.
Sometimes lung cancer (especially alveolar cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma) occur in people whose lungs have had scarring due to lung disease, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.
Large Cell Carcinoma Small Cell Carcinoma
Symptoms of lung cancer depends on the type, location and how its spread.
The main symptom is cough usually settled.
Chronic bronchitis sufferers who suffer lung cancer often realize that batuknya got worse.
Phlegm can contain blood.
If the cancer is growing into the blood vessels beneath, can cause bleeding.
Cancer can cause the sound of wheezing due to constriction of the airway occurs in or around the growth of the cancer.
Bronchial obstruction can cause a collapse in the lungs which is the branching of the bronchi, this State is called atelektasis
The other result is pneumonia with symptoms of cough, fever, in the form of nyrei chest and shortness of breath.
If the tumor is growing into the chest wall, it could cause chest pain that settled.
Symptoms arising then is loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness.
Lung cancer often causes a build-up of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion), so that sufferers experiencing shortness of breath.
If the cancer spreads in the lungs, shortness of breath can occur, low blood oxygen levels and heart failure.
Cancer can grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing the onset of Horner Syndrome, which consists of:
-closure of the eyelids
-a small pupil
-sunken eyes
-decreased sweating on one side of the face.
Cancer at the top of your lungs can grow into the nerves leading to the sleeve so that the arm feels pain, numbness and weakness. Damage can also occur on the nerves of the vocal cords so that the voice of the survivors became hoarse.
Cancer can grow directly into the esophagus, or grow near the esophagus and pushing it down so impaired swallowing. Sometimes formed abnormal channel (fistula) between the esophagus and causes coughing, bronki fabulous during the ingestion took place, because food and liquids get into the lungs.
Lung cancer can grow into heart and cause:
-abnormal heart rhythms
-enlargement of the heart
-hoarding bags of fluid in pericardial.
Cancer can also grow around the superior vena cava vein. Blockage of a vein caused blood to flow back to the top, i.e. into other veins of the upper part of the body:
-vein in the chest wall will be enlarged
-the face, neck and upper chest wall (including the breast) will swell and looked purplish-colored.
This situation also causes shortness of breath, headache, impaired vision, dizziness and feeling sleepy. These symptoms usually will deteriorate if the sufferer bend forward or lying.
Lung cancer can also spread via the blood flow towards the heart, brain, adrenal glands and bones. It can happen at the stadium early, especially on small cell carcinoma.
Symptoms can be either liver failure, confusion, seizures and bone pain; that can occur before the onset of various abnormalities in the lungs, so early diagnosis is difficult enforced.
Some lung cancer effect in a place far away from the lungs, such as metabolic disorders, disorders of the nervous and muscular disorders (paraneoplastik syndrome).
This syndrome is not related to the size or location of the cancer and does not necessarily indicate that the cancer has spread out of the chest; This syndrome is caused by material issued by the cancer.
The symptoms may be a early alert of cancer or is an early hint that the cancer had returned, after doing the treatment.
One example of paraneoplastik syndrome is the Eaton-Lambert syndrome, which is characterized by muscle weakness. Another example is muscle weakness and pain due to inflammation (polimiositis), which can be accompanied by inflammation of the skin (dermatomiositis).
Some lung cancer releasing hormones or hormone-like material, so the high hormone levels.
Small cell carcinoma producing kortikotropin (causing Cushing Syndrome) or antidiuretik hormone (causing fluid build-up and low sodium levels in the blood).
Excessive formation of hormones can also cause karsinoid syndrome, namely in the form of redness, wheezing breath sounds, diarrhea and heart valve abnormalities.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma releasing material resembling a hormone that causes blood calcium levels are very high.
Other hormonal syndrome associated with lung cancer are:
-breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia)
-excess thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism)
-change the skin (skin in armpits become darker).
Lung cancer can also cause changes in the shape of fingers and finger jkaki and changes on the ends of long bones, which can be seen on x-rays.
If someone (especially smokers) are having a cough that settled or worsening lung symptoms or more, then there is a possibility of lung cancer.
Sometimes the instructions originally be found shadows on chest x-rays from someone who showed no symptoms. Chest x-rays can find most Lung Tumors, although not all the visible shadows is cancers.
Microscopic examination is usually done from the example network, which sometimes comes from sufferers of phlegm (sputum cytology). To get the necessary tissue, performed Bronchoscopy.
A CT scan can show a small shadow did not appear on x-rays of the chest and can show the presence of enlarged lymph nodes.
To know the existence of the spread to the liver, adrenal glands or the brain, abdominal CT scan done and the brain.
The spread to the bone can be seen through the skening bone. Sometimes a bone marrow biopsy, because small cell carcinoma tends to spread to the bone marrow
Classification (stadium) cancer is done by:
-the size of the tumor
-spread to the nearby lymph nodes
-spread to other organs.
This stage is used to determine the type of treatment that will be done in people with disease and forecast.
Benign bronchial tumor is usually raised through surgery because it could clog bronki and long can become malignant.
Sometimes performed surgery on cancer in addition to small cell carcinoma has not spread. About 10-35% of cancer could be lifted through the surgery, but the surgery does not always bring healing.
Around 25-40% isolated tumor sufferers and grow slowly, have a life expectancy of up to 5 years after the disease undiagnosed. These sufferers have to do regular inspections due to lung cancer relapse back in 6-12% of sufferers who have undergone surgery.
Before the surgery, performed lung function tests to determine whether the remaining lung could still function properly or not. If the results are bad, then it is not possible to surgery.
Surgery need not be conducted if:
-the cancer has spread out of the lungs
-the cancer is too close to the trachea
-sufferers have circumstances that serus (such as heart disease or lung disease are heavy).
Therapy is conducted on a very sufferers cannot undergo surgery because they have other serious diseases.
The goal of the cancer growth is slowing shines, not for healing. The therapy also shines can reduce muscle pain, vein, superior vena cava syndrome and the Suppression of the spinal cord. But the therapy can cause a very peradang of the lungs (pneumonitis because shines), with symptoms in the form of cough, shortness of breath and fever. These symptoms can be reduced by corticosteroid (such as prednisone).
At the time of undiagnosed, small cell carcinoma is almost always has spread to other parts of the body, so there may be done surgically. This cancer is treated with chemotherapy, sometimes disetai therapy shines.
Lung cancer sufferer many who experience a decrease in lung function. To reduce respiratory disturbances can be given oxygen therapy and medication that dilates the Airways (bronchodilator).
There is no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce your risk if you:
1. do not smoke. If you've never smoked, don't start. Talk to your kids not to smoke so they could understand how to avoid the main risk factor for lung cancer. Many smokers start smoking in their teens. Start a conversation about the dangers of smoking with your kids early so they know how to react to peer pressure.
2. Stop smoking. Stop smoking now. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer, even if you have been smoking for years. Consulting with your doctor about quitting smoking and support strategies that can help you quit. Options include nicotine replacement products, medications and support groups.
3. avoid cigarette smoke. If you live or work with smokers, push him to quit. At the very least, ask him to smoke outside. Avoid areas where people smoke, such as bars and restaurants, and choose a smoke-free area.
4. test your home for radon. Check the radon levels in your home, especially if you live in an area where radon is known to be a problem. High radon levels can be improved to make your home safer. For information on radon tests, contact the Department of health.
5. avoid carcinogens at work. Precautions to protect yourself from exposure to toxic chemicals at work. Your company must tell you if you are exposed to hazardous chemicals in your workplace. Follow the precautions your employer. For example, if you are given a mask for protection, always wear them. Ask the doctor what else can you do to protect yourself in the workplace. The risk of damage to the lungs of this carcinogen increases if you smoke.
6. Eat foods that contain fruits and vegetables. Choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Food sources of vitamins and nutrients are best. Avoid taking large doses of vitamins in pill form, because it might be dangerous. For example, the researchers hope to reduce the risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers give them supplements beta carotene. The results showed the supplements actually increase cancer risk in smokers.
7. Drink alcohol in moderation, if can not at all. Limit yourself to one glass a day if you're a woman or two glasses a day if you are a male. Every person aged 65 or older should drink alcohol is no more than one glass a day.
8. Sports. Capaiminimal 30-minute raga oalh on any day of the week. Check with your doctor first if you have not been exercising regularly. Start slowly and continue adding more activity. Cycling, swimming and running is a good option. Add exercise throughout your day-time to go through the Park and walking along the street or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
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