this is the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease bronchitis you should know.
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Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention of Disease Bronchitis |
Bronchitis (Bronchitis; Inflammation-bronchi) is an inflammation of the bronchi (airway to the lungs).
The disease is usually mild bronchitis and will ultimately be recovered perfectly. But in people with the disease who have chronical (such as heart disease or lung disease) and at old age, bronchitis can be serious.
The CAUSE of the Disease Bronchitis
Causes of infeksiosa Bronchitis is viral, bacterial and (primarily) living organisms resembling bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia).
Recurring bronchitis attacks can happen in smokers and lung disease sufferers and chronical respiratory tract.
Recurrent infections can be the result of:
# Chronic Sinusitis
# Bronkiektasis
# Allergy
# The enlargement of tonsils and adenoidal problems in children.
Bronchitis can be caused by irritating:
-Various types of dust
-The smoke of strong acids, ammonia, some organic solvents, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and bromine
-Air pollution that cause the irritation of ozone and nitrogen dioxide
-Tobacco and smoking more.
The symptoms of bronchitis include:
-cough phlegm so (dahaknya can be reddish-colored)
-shortness of breath when doing sports or mild activity
-often suffer from respiratory infections (e.g. flu)
-swelling of the ankles, feet and limbs left and right
-face, Palm of the hand or the mucous membranes of the reddish colored
-cheeks look rosy
-disturbances of vision.
Infeksiosa bronchitis often begins with symptoms such as runny nose, i.e. a runny nose, fatigue, chills, backache, muscle pain, low-grade fever and throat pain.
Coughing is usually a sign of the start of bronchitis. At first the cough no phlegm so, but 1-2 days and then will issue a white or yellow phlegm. Furthermore the phlegm will multiply, yellow or green.
In severe bronchitis, after most of the other symptoms improved, sometimes occurring high fever for 3-5 days and coughs can be settled for a few weeks.
Shortness of breath occur if clogged airway.
Often found the sound of breath wheezing, particularly after coughing.
Pneumonia can occur.
Diagnosis of bronchitis usually enforced based on symptoms, mainly from the presence of mucus.
On examination by using a stethoscope will sound or respiratory sounds ronki abnormal.
Other checks are wont to do:
-Lung function tests
Arterial blood gases
-Chest X-rays.
Treatment of bronchitis is done to reduce the fever and a sense of malaise, to adulthood sufferers can be given Aspirin or acetaminophen; children should only be given acetaminophen.
It is advisable to rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Antibiotics given to sufferers of symptoms showed that the cause was a bacterial infection (dahaknya is yellow or green and her fever remains high) and previous sufferers have lung disease.
To adult sufferers given trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol, tetracyclin or ampisilin. Erythromycin given although the suspected cause is Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
To the sufferers of children given amoxicillin.
If the cause is a virus, not given antibiotics.
If the symptoms persist or repetitive or if bronkitisnya is very heavy, then carried out an examination of the sputum culture to help determine whether the necessary replacement of antibiotics.
If you have been experiencing frequent bouts of bronchitis or recurrent, ppenyebabnya might be something in your environment. A cool, humid location-especially combined with air pollution or smoke-can make you more susceptible to acute bronchitis. When problems become severe, you may need to consider a change in where and how you live and work.
These steps can also help lower the risk of bronchitis and protects the lungs in General:
1. avoid smoking and become passive smokers. Tobacco smoke increases the risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
2. Try to avoid people who have colds or the flu. The less you are exposed to the viruses that cause bronchitis, the lower your risk of getting it. Avoid crowds during flu season.
3. get an annual flu vaccine. Many cases of acute bronchitis results from influenza, the virus. Get an annual flu vaccine can help protect you from the flu, which in turn, can reduce the risk of bronchitis.
4. ask your doctor about pneumonia shot. If you are over the age of 60 years or you have risk factors such as diabetes, heart disease and emphysema, to consider doing a shot of bronchitis. In addition, known as Prevnar vaccine can help protect children against pneumonia.
We recommend that for all children under the age of 2 years and for anaku age 2 to 5 years who are at particular risk of pneumococcal disease, such as those who have a deficiency of the immune system, asthma, heart disease or sickle cell anemia.
Side effects of pneumococcal vaccine are usually small and light include pain or swelling at the place of injection. If you have pneumonia or more five years ago running shot, your doctor may recommend that you get another one.
5. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer regularly. To reduce the risk of virus infection, wash your hands often and getting used to use hand sanitizer. And do not rub Your eyes or nose.
6. when the practice, wearing a mask. If you have to spend a lot of time around other people who are coughing and sneezing, a good idea to wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose to reduce the risk of infection.
that's the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease bronchitis that you should know. may be useful.
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