Children, not to mention newborns, now have risk factors as much as adults to cancer. The number of children with cancer continues to increase from year to year. Total is currently 2-4% of cancer patients around the world are children.
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10 Causes of Cancer Lymph Nodes in Children Most Dangerous |
A report by the international medical journal reported that child mortality by 10% due to cancer. In Indonesia alone, the number of children with cancer are increasing. Worse yet, these children were taken to hospital when the cancer is already at an advanced stage. One of the most deadly type of cancer that often strikes children, especially ages 5 years and over are cancerous lymph nodes.
The lymph nodes is one of the glands in the human body are located in the neck, armpits, chest and groin. The function of lymph nodes is very important to people because it is used as a gathering place of the red blood cells that circulate oxygen and food juices throughout the body as well as the body's immunity against various malignant diseases.
Lymph nodes produce a fluid called lymphatic fluid. The milky white fluid rich in protein, fats and lymphocytes are highly needed by the body as resistance against diseases. When viruses or bacteria invade the lymph nodes, lymphatic fluid can not function optimally and lead to decreased immune system. Like lymph nodes would be infected and swelling. This condition is called a lymphatic cancer.
Lymphatic cancer is one type of cancer that is at the top of malignancies most deadly. This is obviously due to lymphatic cancer attacks the body's lymphatic system which is responsible for the defense or immunity.
When the body's immunity weakened, other complications arising from exposure to bacteria and viruses also will multiply. Lymphatic cancer normally infect people aged 60 years and over. However, not infrequently lymphatic cancer also attacked a young age and even children.
The cause of lymphoma in children can be caused by localized infections or infections outside of swollen glands. The threat of virus or bacteria are also becoming one of the trigger factors. The following are the common causes that cause lymph node cancer in children.
1. Genetic
Parents with a history of cancer of the lymph likely will inherit the same disease in children. Not only that, the lineage of previous families can also pose a risk of lymphoma in children. The cause of cancer because of genetic factors is an inevitable cause and there is no other alternative to stop early.
2. Free Radicals
How can children be exposed to free radicals? Of course it's possible. Children who live in big cities and often spend time outdoors are particularly vulnerable exposed to free radicals caused by pollution fumes and factory smoke industry. Likewise, children who often spend time playing under the hot sun exposure. Afternoon sun is very harmful for the body because ultraviolenya beam can infect the lymph nodes and cause lymphatic cancer.
3. Inflammation
Inflammation, especially in the throat also become a major driver of the occurrence of lymphatic cancer. Strep throat often arise in children who like to consume foods that are not kept clean haphazardly. In fact, kids love snacks outside the home and parents often fail to monitor what foods are consumed by children. Strep throat is a common and increasingly severe it can lead to swelling of the lymph nodes that cause cancer.
4. Immune Deficiency
Children do like to play and is very active. Sometimes, they do not realize that he has become exhausted and they continued to push the play. Active child is good because it means he's healthy, but be careful. If the child already looked exhausted, ask him to stop and rest because when the body is tired but continued to be forced to move can be challenging to work lymph nodes causing a decline in the immune system or the body's immune resistance that can cause cancer.
5. HIV Virus Infection
HIV infection is a very horrible impact, not least the children can also cause cancer of lymph. The spread of this virus can be through contact with body fluids of patients (breastfeeding mothers who have a history of the HIV virus will automatically infect their children), used syringes when injecting vaccines or immunization and blood transfusions. Make sure your doctor or health care professional injects the vaccine when your child is immunized using a new needle is completely sterile.
6. Measles
Measles is usually often experienced by people in the age of the children or the children. Measles is characterized by high fever and the appearance of red blotches on the skin all over the body. High fever that is at risk can cause swelling of the lymph nodes that trigger risk of lymphatic cancer.
7. Toothache
Toothache certainly never experienced by anyone, not least children. Especially in the age of the children, they still have not been able to keep clean his own teeth properly so they should be supervised and assisted by parents. Worse yet, children known to be very fond of eating sweet foods are easy to make tooth decay. Toothache can cause gum swelling and it can be risky in the lymph nodes for infected root canals can make the lymph nodes swell that causes cancer.
8. Ear Infections
Ear infections can trigger swelling of the lymph nodes located in the neck. If the lymph nodes in the neck swelling, cancer risk will increase. Ear infections in children can occur for a variety of reasons such as the entry of foreign objects into the ear, exposure to the virus until the collision.
9. Passive Smokers
The dangers of inhaling cigarette smoke, or so-called passive smoking has long been intensified by the government in Indonesia. In fact, recent research proves people are often exposed to or inhalation of cigarette smoke, but not active smokers have a risk of developing cancer is much greater than people who become passive smokers. How dangerous smoking effects to the human body. Children whose parents smoke and are often located near his parents when smoking, exposure to risk factors of lymphatic cancer is greater than children with parents who do not smoke.
10. Food Consumption berpengawet
Children is still in its infancy, causing their appetite so big. Unfortunately, many parents yan lazy to bother to cook healthy meals for their children and prefer instant berpengawet serves food like nuggets, sausage, and hash browns. In fact, preservatives in food that can mutate and infect cells of the body including the lymph nodes and cause cancer.
That's 10 common factors that often causes lymph cancer in children. As parents, after reading this article we should be wise and careful in maintaining and caring for our children so that health can be properly maintained and protected from deadly diseases such as cancer of the lymph nodes.
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